Fans from The 72 Unite plan mass protest against EPPP on Saturday October 29 (v Reading)

Written by Jim Daly

Sick of the new Elite Player Performance Plan? Think Premier League chief Richard Scudamore (right) is taking liberties? Well you're not alone!

The 72 Unite, made up of fans from the Football League, are angered by the plans to reduce compensation for smaller clubs for their young stars, in a move that makes it easier for big clubs to snatch young talent.

In a statement they said: "In the current financial climate with the divide between rich and poor widening on a daily basis, modern football continues to be an exaggerated version of the overall global picture. The rich continue to get richer while the poor suffer.

"Lower league football is dying, starved by Premier League greed and excess. Attendances are down, and clubs will soon cease to exist, unable to balance the books to survive, let alone compete with the elite.

"The lifeblood of Football League clubs are their successful academy systems, some of which have supported and sustained clubs for many years, producing local, homegrown talent representative of the area and fanbase. Today’s ruling cuts this essential lifeblood at the arteries and will signal the death knell, the final nail in the coffin for the survival of professional football outside the Premier League.

"In response we are calling for action from every fan at every match on Saturday 29th October 2011 to unite, rise-up and fight for the very existence of their clubs. It’s now or never. We must met the Premier League and FA know we will not be trampled on.

"Every fan, every game; boycott the first five minutes to draw attention to this and show the strength of opposition to the proposals."

FYP supports any opposition to the EPPP but if you are planning on doing he protest on Saturday we urge you to get in the ground and then wait on the concourse for five minutes before going to your seat. Hell! Have a drink. We're only thinking of you and your safety people. Cos we love you so much.

For more information on The 72 Unite visit their website here - or Facebook. Also, check out their video below!
